There are several theories about the population of the Moon by intelligent beings. Some researchers believe that people already live and work on the earth’s satellite.
Now it is reported about the discovered abandoned settlement between two craters – Paracelsus and Aitken.
Alas, there is little to make out in the photographs, but several dozen ufologists and astronomers are sure that there is a domed structure that reflects light, which is why it is hard to see in the photographs.

For the first time, NASA learned about this mysterious object in 1972. Since then, attempts have been made to scrutinize it. Several lunar vehicles were sent to the specified area.
The results of those missions are classified, but, as is often the case, former employees of the agency are prone to information leaks, so the public learned about the details of these studies.
The source for the following images is fron the USGS {United States Geological Survey} joint NASA website providing raw images for scientific studies. Click here for original photo.

Academic science has confirmed the presence of two (according to some sources – three) mysterious domed objects on the moon.
Of course these structures can be of natural origin. Nature is amazingly diverse and almost everything is within its power. According to one version these formations are just bizarrely shaped craters. There is an even more mundane explanation – visual deception, the play of light and shadow together create the illusion of a large dome.
But there are other versions.
The structures, which were spotted on NASA’s maps, were supposedly made by a species of aliens called ‘Greys’, which are supposedly a race of super-intelligent extraterrestrials which like the dark. This is the reason they built the dome-like structures, so they can live underground in the dark.
“There is an alien species who like the darkness so much they genetically changed themselves to have sunglasses second eyelids cover their eyes at will. The greys”, says prominent alien hunter Scott C Waring.
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